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Le Coultre Floor & Brackman Tim

  Musical instrument: Violin and chamber music




was recognized as a Young Musical Talent Netherlands in 2011 and completed her studies in 2014 with a distinction for “compelling musicianship” as a student of, among others, Ilona Sie Dhian Ho and Pavel Vernikov. She has established herself as a passionate and communicative musician, has won many prizes and performed all over Europe, China, South Korea, South America and the USA. In addition, Floor is a much sought-after chamber musician in various permanent ensembles (including the Hermitage Quartet and duo LeCoultre & VanHees) and during festivals such as the Stift Festival, Peter de Grote Festival and Thy Chamber Music Festival in Denmark. She has performed as a soloist with various orchestras and since 2012 Floor has regularly worked with ensembles such as Amsterdam Sinfonietta and Ludwig. Floor plays a French violin by Pierre Silvestre (1858), kindly lent to her by the Dutch National Music Instrument Foundation. Her viola di lei was made by Matthieu Legros in 2014. The purchase of the viola was made possible by the foundation 'Stichting Eigen Muziekinstrument'.

It is possible to do a combined Masterclass with the prof. Daniel Rowland and Prof. Le Coultre piano. Please indicate this preference in your application



Violinist Tim Brackman obtained his Master’s degree at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague
(Netherlands) with Vera Beths. Tim is a former student of Eszter Haffner (Kopenhagen) and Pavel
Vernikov and Svetlana Makarova (Bergamo, Italy.) As a soloist he won 3rd prize at the Dutch Violin Competition Oskar Back, as well as NTR-Prize Best Performance of ‘Aeriko’, by Calliope Tsoupaki. Since September 2019 his string quartet (Animato Quartet) is in residence at the Dutch National String Quartet Academy (NSKA). With the Animato Quartet he received ‘Kersjes Fonds’ String Quartet Stipend (2017) and in 2021 they won 3rd prize and special prize during the Trondheim International Chamber Music Competition. Tim is the founding member of the Brackman piano trio (2009) that received many prices, made two cd’s and organised it’s own festival in Amsterdam from 2014-2017. Since 2018 Tim has been artistic director of the Podium Eibergen foundation. As a chamber musician Tim is asked to play in various ensembles and at festivals. As a soloist, Tim played with various orchestras such as the Residentie Orkest The Hague. Tim plays a J. T. Cuypers (The Hague, 1797). Tim’s bow was made by A. Vigneron (Paris). The purchase of his bow was made possible by the Dutch Foundation ‘Stichting Eigen Muziekinstrument’.

  course dates:  4 - 10 Agosto 2024

course description: 

Participation fee € 300