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€ 60.00 - application fee, the same for all courses and seminars

N.B. The application fee has to be paid to the Gaggia bank account at the time of registration.


Rate of Attendance:


€ 200

Bassoon (V. Zucchiatti) 

Accordeon (C. Rojac)


€ 250

Mandolin (U. Orlandi)


€ 300


Piano  (A. Hewitt)

Flute and ensemble music for wind instruments (M. Zoni)

Organ and harpsichord (M. Tomadin)

Clarinet and ensemble music (M. Giani & N. Bulfone)

Cello (P. Andriotti)

Double bass (N. S. Schwartz)

Piano and chamber music (A.Serdar)


€ 350 

Piano and chamber music (A. Fedorova, B. Fedorov & T. Abaieva)

Violin (Y. Yu, A. Kandinskaja)

Cello (M. Bogdanovic, R. Bell, T. Carroll)

Violin and chamber music (A. Pritchin & S. Paidassi) 

Violin and chamber music (D. Rowland & F. Le Coultre)

Viola and chamber music (A. Valdimarsdòttir)


€ 400

Violin (B. Garlitsky) 


€ 450

Piano (K. Lifschitz) 


€ 150Chamber groups - trio and more- (each member)

€ 200Chamber music for duo (each member)


Listener fee: € 60

All payments must be made as follows:

Bank transfer to Banca di Cividale S.p.A. c / c 025570381292 payable to:

Musical Association "Sergio Gaggia" IBAN code: IT 89A0548463740000000381292